Medical Affairs

Hoyt J. Burdick, MD, MMM, CPE, CPHQ, CPPS
The Medical Affairs Department of Cabell Huntington Hospital is directed by Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President, Dr. Hoyt J. Burdick. The Department’s primary responsibilities relate to the Medical and Dental Staff. These responsibilities begin with facilitating the Medical Staff and Board processes of thorough vetting and review of the credentials and clinical privilege requests of all new applicants and members, along with focused and ongoing professional practice review. This extends to include managing the Clinical Learning Environment and implementing the affiliation agreement for students and resident physicians from the Marshall University School of Medicine and other medical and graduate medical education programs.
In addition to the Medical and Dental staff, the Department has enterprise responsibility for infection prevention, patient safety, regulatory readiness, data abstraction and analytics for publicly reported quality measures, overall clinical quality and performance improvement for the hospital as well as for affiliated outpatient and provider-based clinics. The Medical Affairs Suite is located on the ground floor near the physicians’ entrance under the helipad.
Contact Medical Affairs
- Chief Medical Officer & Vice President - 304.526.6343
- Quality Assurance - 304.526.2396
- Credentialing - 304.526.2065
- Infection Prevention - 304.526.2542
Medical Executive Committee - Meeting Agendas
None available.
Medical Executive Committee Approved Items
None available.